25 September 2007

Introductions and Welcome!

Do you spend all morning at work thinking about lunch?

Do you pass the afternoon at work planning dinner?

Do your colleagues ever ask you "Why don't you just open a restaurant already?"

Then you, too, might be an honourary legal eagle who lunches!

Join JR and KB, two food-obsessed people who work, lunch and inspire heated food-related debate amongst their coworkers. We are currently acting joint Social Convenors of our respective floors and have recently created a cookbook (and other book) interfloor office exchange, bringing joy and conversation to our beleaguered colleagues in the social justice field.

Of this culinary equation, JR provides the nurturing, healthy veggie yin while KB is the ruthless promoter of the "cram as many chips and doughnuts as you can into your coworkers" yang.

Although we both love our current jobs, we both would love to do other things when we grow up:

  • JR aspires to the role of chief food tester/creative person for the President's Choice product line
  • KB would like to find a market of millionaires for her pickled products and flavoured oils and vinegars, and use the profits to fund her passion for knitting.
Other culinary quests of JR and KB include:

  • finding the world's best potato chips (KB)
  • scouring the markets of Toronto for the finest produce (JR)

We'd love to hear from you about your food-related predilections (you must have some!!!)

As we develop, we hope to provide links to recipes in the sidebar. Stay tuned...

Meanwhile, stay tuned for reviews, recipes and general ranting about everyone's favourite topic... and if you'd like to introduce yourself, please feel free to leave a comment on this thread! Recipes are particularly welcome.